Outreach Manual Physical Therapy PC


Arthritis services offered in Brooklyn, NY

Arthritis services offered in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, NY

Arthritis pain worsens over time from a dull ache to red-hot agony. If you start experiencing arthritis symptoms, visit Mohamed Hablas, DPT, and the expert team at Outreach Manual Physical Therapy PC in Brooklyn’s Brighton Beach neighborhood in New York City. They have years of experience helping people manage arthritis pain using specialized physical therapies. Call the office to request an arthritis evaluation or schedule a consultation online today.

Arthritis Q&A

What is arthritis?

Arthritis causes chronic joint problems, including inflammation, pain, and stiffness. There are multiple forms, some rare and a few common. The type of arthritis you’re most likely to develop may include:


Cartilage is a tough, slippery material that stops your bones from creating friction when they touch. If cartilage wears away because of the effects of years of wear-and-tear, osteoarthritis results.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This form of arthritis develops because of an immune system malfunction. Your immune system mistakenly targets cells in your joint linings as though they were harmful bacteria or viruses and destroys them.


Gout develops when excess uric acid (a substance found in many foods) forms crystals in the joints. It most often affects the big toes but can occur in the knees and elsewhere.

What problems might arthritis cause?

Arthritis causes long-term joint pain. The pain may be in one joint or many. It’s typically a deep aching, burning, and tenderness that can flare up at times into excruciating, throbbing agony. Flare-ups often happen when you’re under stress, do unusual activities, or the weather becomes cold and wet.

Over time, arthritis symptoms worsen. Your joints become stiffer and weaker and may swell. Advanced arthritis can cause joint distortion. You might become increasingly disabled and struggle with daily activities; for example, advanced shoulder arthritis might prevent you from brushing your hair.

Arthritis treatment typically includes anti-inflammatory medication, activity modification, physical therapy, and, for persistent cases, steroid injections.

How does physical therapy help with arthritis? 

Physical therapy eases arthritis symptoms, helps you stay mobile, reduces fatigue, and makes it easier to manage everyday activities. Your Outreach Manual Physical Therapy PC therapist evaluates your posture and body mechanics and identifies muscle imbalances. They teach you to improve your movement, avoid injury, and align your body.

Your therapist creates a customized treatment program for you. This could include active therapies, where you put in the effort, and passive therapies, where you receive treatment from your therapist. They may teach you to use specific equipment, such as:

  • Weight machines
  • Exercise balls
  • Resistance bands
  • Aerobic exercise machines
  • Foam rollers

Passive therapies might include therapeutic massage, joint mobilization, therapeutic ultrasound, and electrotherapy. You might also benefit from assistive devices to make daily tasks and work activities easier.

Physical therapy offers a safe, effective treatment for arthritis that significantly improves your quality of life. Call Outreach Manual Physical Therapy PC or book an appointment online today to learn how you could benefit from expert arthritis treatment.