Outreach Manual Physical Therapy PC

Knee Pain

Knee Pain services offered in Brooklyn, NY
Knee Pain

Knee Pain services offered in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, NY

Knees work hard every day and often suffer from injuries or wear-and-tear. If you develop knee pain, visit Mohamed Hablas, DPT, and the expert team at Outreach Manual Physical Therapy PC in Brooklyn’s Brighton Beach neighborhood in New York City. They use advanced techniques to help injuries heal, keep you moving, and reduce pain. Call the office or schedule a consultation online today for comprehensive knee pain care.

Knee Pain Q&A

What causes knee pain?

Knee pain can arise from acute injuries, overuse, and chronic diseases. Common knee problems include:

  • Patellar tendinitis
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome
  • Meniscus cartilage tears
  • Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome
  • Kneecap dislocation
  • Quadriceps tendinitis

Sprains and ruptures of the four major knee ligaments are common sports injuries. Ligaments connect bones in the joints and can stretch or tear under sufficient pressure. Tendons attach muscles to bones and can also stretch or tear (strains). Tendinitis develops when you make certain movements repeatedly, irritating the tendon fibers.

The chief cause of chronic knee pain is arthritis. Osteoarthritis can develop in any joint, but knees are particularly vulnerable. It affects the articular cartilage coating the ends of your bones. Cartilage wears away after decades of use, exposing the bones so they rub against one another. This causes long-term pain, stiffness, and weakness that worsens over time.

Other forms of arthritis that can affect your knees include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and gout.

What treatment helps with knee pain?

The treatment you require for knee pain varies depending on its cause and severity. Rest and activity modification (avoiding movements that aggravate your symptoms) are usually beneficial, but complete immobilization could result in weakness and connective tissue shortening. Anti-inflammatory medication helps reduce pain and swelling.

Physical therapy is also vital for knee pain. It promotes recovery from knee injuries and surgeries and helps you stay mobile if you have a chronic condition like arthritis.

How does physical therapy get rid of knee pain?

The Outreach Manual Physical Therapy PC team uses gait analysis, a biomechanics assessment, and functional movement screening to systematically evaluate your knee pain. They design a personalized treatment plan based on your condition, age, other health problems, and rehabilitation goals. Your physical therapy program to relieve knee pain might include:

Manual therapies

Manual therapies help to realign joints and soft tissues and improve movement. Techniques could include instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) and joint mobilization.

Stretching and strengthening exercises

Stretching and strengthening exercises keep your knees strong and flexible.

Passive treatments

Passive treatments are ones where you lie back and relax while your therapist performs the treatment. Examples include therapeutic ultrasound, laser therapy, and electrical stimulation. These treatments ease pain and promote tissue healing.

Your physical therapist may recommend using a brace or kinesiology tape to support your knees when exercising.

Call Outreach Manual Physical Therapy PC today to arrange a knee pain evaluation or schedule a consultation by completing the online booking form.